About the CMCS


Vet Net Ally

The VET NET Ally Program

The VET NET Ally program is a faculty and staff awareness program designed to:

• Educate members of the university community about the needs and concerns of military veterans,

 Foster a campus atmosphere that supports the academic freedom and professional, personal and social success of veterans, and,

• Establish a network of visible Allies to provide support, information, and assistance for veterans.

Why do we need the VET NET Ally program?

  • The number of military veterans pursuing higher education in the coming years is expected to increase dramatically as veterans take advantage of educational benefits provided by the Post 9-11 G.I. Bill.
  • The transition from military life to college life can result in significant culture shock for veterans, so providing a network of Allies across campus can create a welcome environment for those who have served their country.
  • Historically, military veterans have been subject to discrimination and harassment at colleges and universities in the United States, especially during times of military conflict abroad. The VET NET Ally program seeks to ensure that our university will continue to be a welcoming environment for those veterans who choose to pursue their education here.

Staff and faculty members are invited to participate in an awareness seminar focused on the needs and concerns of student veterans. At the end of the seminar, participants are given a decal to display in their workspace to show that they are Allies to student veterans on campus.

The quarterly seminar includes:

  • Veterans by the Numbers       
  • Why We Joined
  • Military 101 – Culture and the impact of service             
  • Challenges for Veterans in Higher Education
  • Status Exercise – Who would you tell that you are a veteran?
  • How are We Helping Veterans
  • Situational Awareness – Interacting with Veterans on Campus
  • Being an Ally

Would you like to join us at our next session? Click here to be added to the list for upcoming sessions. 


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