About the CMCS





VA Programs include:

  • GI Bill
  • CH 35 - Dependents Educational Assistance
  • VR&E
  • Edith Nourse Rogers Scholarship
  • Fry Scholarship

Cal Vet College Fee Waiver & Military Tuition Assistance are NOT VA programs. Please review their individual pages for more information. 

Fill out this form CLICK HERE
NEW STUDENTS: Watch "New Military Mustang Workshop for Students"  COMING SOON
NEW PARENTS/SUPPORTERS: "New Military Mustang Workshop for Supporters" COMING SOON
Watch the video guide" "Applying for VA Benefits" COMING SOON
Watch the video guide: "Using VA Benefits" (Updated version for 2025-26 coming soon)  CLICK HERE
Watch the video guide: "Using the Veterans Benefit Module" CLICK HERE
Connect with us on social media @calpolyveterans to stay updated on important announcements and events. CLICK HERE



Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) benefits through the VA  CLICK HERE
OUT OF STATE STUDENTS: Apply for a VACAA Waiver to waive out-of-state tuition fees. REQUIRED: COE and updated California address in students portal CLICK HERE

VA has updated the application process, allowing eligible applicants to apply for and receive their benefits decision within minutes. Once approved, the VA will send a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) in the mail in 4-6 weeks. 

To demonstrate eligibility to Cal Poly to begin using benefits, a student must provide one of the following documents via upload to the Veterans Benefit Module within their Cal Poly student portal. This module is inactive for newly admitted students until mid-July prior to Fall start:

  • VA Form 28-1905 (Authorization and Certification of Entrance or Reentrance into Rehabilitation and Certification of Status),

  • Tungsten Purchase Order establishing Chapter 31 eligibility,

  • Certificate of Eligibility (COE), or

  • Education Enrollment Status form (printed from the VA website).

1. ONCE (AT START OF STUDENTS ENROLLMENT AT CAL POLY): Upload COE or proof of benefits (listed above) into the Veterans Benefit Module in Cal Poly student Portal (Module becomes available after conditional admit status is removed ~July prior to Fall start date
2. EVERY QUARTER: Request certification of term classes as soon as registered (Delays will cause delays in payments)
3. EVERY QUARTER: Make changes to certification request as soon as classes are added or dropped

Students using Ch 35 DEA will be asked for VA FILE NUMBER in the module. This is the VA File number of the veteran and is most often the veteran's Social Security Number. 

Ask VA is available worldwide 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

888-GIBILL-1 (888-442-4551). Call between 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Central Time, Monday-Friday

Two-Step Certification Process

The VA requires that all Chapter 33 certifications be submitted in a two-step process.

  1. Approximately 4-6 weeks prior to the start of each term, our team begins submitting the first step of this certification process. We are only able to submit certification for those students who have requested certification of their classes in the Veterans Benefit Module of their student portal - this is the same process for all VA benefits (any type of GI Bill, Ch 35 DEA, VR&E). The first step of this process allows any housing, living, or book stipends you may be eligible for to begin to be issued by the VA. We also work with Student Accounts to place any deferral credit or grace period on the students account if deemed eligible.
  2. After the add/drop period has ended, the team will complete the second step of the certification process and report the tuition and fees owed for the term for programs that pay tuition and fees to the university, if eligible. 



Students can expect to receive automatic notifications when an enrollment certification is submitted to the VA. If a notification states that a certification was submitted without tuition and fees included, please note that this is part of that two-step process and will be amended after the add/drop date.

VA Verification Text

All students using the Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill® who receive a Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments are required to verify their enrollment via text each month in order to continue receiving their payments from the VA.This requirement is fulfilled directly through the VA. Students will receive a text message reminder monthly that says, "Did you remain enrolled in your courses in (MONTH/YEAR) as certified? Please reply yes or no. A student should only reply no if they have dropped all classes and are no longer attending. Respond to this text within 6 days.

  • This can be fulfilled monthly by calling the VA at 888-442-4551 and choosing option "1" .
  • Sign up for text message verification by speaking to a representative at the same number during the VA's regular business hours. To reach a representative, do not choose an option. 

If enrollment verification is not completed by the student for two months, Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) payments will be held by the VA. 

Military-Affiliated Students Awaiting VA Payment

Federal law requires that students who provide evidence of eligibility for Veterans Readiness and Employment (Chapter 31), Post 9/11 G.I. Bill (Chapter 33), or Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance program (Chapter 35) and who provide the necessary documentation and certification request will be allowed to enroll in courses and to access all educational services and facilities while awaiting payment of tuition and fees from the VA. While awaiting receipt of funds from the VA, campuses may not impose any penalty, charge late fees, or require an eligible student to borrow additional funds to cover tuition or fees. This waiting period begins the date the student provides appropriate documentation and continues either until funds are received from the VA or until 90 days after the school certifying official has certified the student's enrollment for tuition and fees.

Each quarter, the process for students using a VA benefit will look like this: 

1.Students will request certification of classes immediately after registration, in the Veterans Benefit Module. The CMCS will notify the VA of the students intent to use benefits for the quarter with the number of units for which certification has been requested. This starts the VA payment process. 

  • CREDIT TO YOUR STUDENT ACCOUNT: Post 9/11 GI Bill/VR&E students: The CMCS will ask Student Accounts to place a credit on your account for the amount that the VA will pay on the students behalf. Students must complete their certification request early to have this credit in place before tuition and fees are due. 
  • PARKING PASSES: VR&E students: Enter the Cal Poly Parking Lottery through the student portal and contact Cal Poly parking once a parking pass has been approved. Provide vehicle information. 
  • BOOKS & SUPPLIES: Post 9/11 GI Bill students: Receive books and supplies stipend via direct deposit. This pays at $41.66 per unit up to $1000 each academic year. VR&E students: Books and supplies can be picked up at the university bookstore. 

2. Once the official add/drop date for the quarter has passed, the CMCS will verify that all classes requested by the student are degree applicable, moving them towards graduation. These can be major/minor classes or required general ed/electives. If there are questions of the degree applicability of classes, the CMCS will email the student fro substantiating documentation. Failure to provide a timely response with the requested documentation will result in the course in question not being certified to the VA for payment. 

  • PAYMENTS TO CAL POLY FROM THE VA: Post 9/11 GI Bill/VR&E students: Students might receive notice from the VA stating that Cal Poly did not charge for certified classes. The CMCS will bill after the add/drop date. 

3. Living/housing stipend payments begin payment at the end of the month after classes start. 

2025-26 Academic Year

Post 9/11 GI Bill
Fry Scholarship - CH 33 (based on full-time enrollment with at least 1 in-person class at 100% eligibility)

VR&E - Ch 31 (based on full-time enrollment with at least 1 in-person class)

Dependents Educational Assistance - Ch 35 (based on full-time enrollment with at least 1 in-person class)

Cal Vet College Fee Waiver (CVCFW) (based on enrollment of 6+ units)

Quarterly - State Tuition Paid fully to Cal Poly Paid fully to Cal Poly  --- Cal Poly writes off $2150
Quarterly - Campus-Based Registration Fees  Paid fully to Cal Poly (minus any fees that are not charged to every student at Cal Poly) Paid fully to Cal Poly (minus any fees that are not charged to every student at Cal Poly)  ---  ---
Monthly Stipend  $101 per enrolled day paid directly to the student after attendance each month $101 per enrolled day paid directly to the student after attendance each month  $51 per enrolled day paid directly to the student after attendance each month ---
Books & Supplies $1000 per academic year, paid at $42 per unit until exhausted, paid directly to the student Paid directly to Cal Poly and picked up from the bookstore  ---  ---
Housing/Dorm -No payments are made to Cal Poly for housing/dorm costs from any military education benefit ---  --- --- ---
Dining -  No payments are made to Cal Poly for dining plan costs from any military education benefit  ---  ---  ---  ---
Parking  --- Paid directly to Cal Poly. VR&E Students should enter the parking lottery each term to be allotted a parking pass  ---  ---





                            POST 9/11 GI BILL:
Military Housing Allowance (MHA) Direct Deposit from the VA to the student's bank account Monthly, after the student completes the prior month of attendance. (Ex: October attendance is paid on November 1st)
Books & Supplies Direct Deposit from the VA to the student's bank account At the beginning of the quarter or within a month of certification
Tuition & Registration Directly to Cal Poly Mid-quarter. The VA is billed after the drop date and after an audit of classes is done to ensure that all certified classes are degree applicable. 
Military Housing Allowance (MHA) Direct Deposit from the VA to the student's bank account Monthly, after the student completes the prior month of attendance. (Ex: October attendance is paid on November 1st)
Bookstore - Books Directly to Cal Poly Pre-authorization is submitted into the Tungsten system by the VR&E counselor. Once that is complete, the student can go to the bookstore and pick up their books. 
Tuition & Registration Directly to Cal Poly Mid-quarter. The VA is billed after the drop date and after an audit of classes is done to ensure that all certified classes are degree applicable. 
Parking Directly to Cal Poly Pre-authorization is submitted into the Tungsten system by the VR&E counselor. Once that is complete, we notify Parking at Cal Poly. The student must follow the steps to obtain a parking pass but payment is waived. 
                            CH 35 DEA:
Stipend Direct Deposit from the VA to the student's bank account

Monthly, after the student completes the prior month of attendance. (Ex: October attendance is paid on November 1st)

Financial Aid

Federal Financial Aid Programs (Title IV Financial Aid), such as Pell Grants, do not impact what your school can certify for your reimbursable Post-9/11 GI Bill tuition and fees. Eligibility for VA Education benefits does not affect your eligibility to receive Federal Financial aid.


Scholarships can impact what your school can certify for your reimbursable Post-9/11 GI Bill tuition and fees. This is regardless if your school or a third party agency is providing the scholarship.If the scholarship is tuition and fees specific – it must be deducted from what is certified to VA. If the scholarship is not tuition and fees specific (i.e. it can be used for housing or non-mandatory fees) – it does not need to be deducted from what is certified to VA.

Classes that are successfully completed may not be certified again for VA purposes if they are repeated. There are exceptions, however. If a course is required for graduation and meets the requirements for one of the 3 exceptions below, a student may repeat the course and be certified for it until it is successfully completed. There is no limit on the number of attempts. No further information needs to be provided to VA regarding those courses.  A student may be certified for a repeated course if:

  1. The student failed the class.
  2. If a program requires a higher grade than the one achieved in a particular class for successful completion.  Example: if a Nursing program requires a “B” or better in Biology, then that class may be repeated if a “B” or better was not earned. That requirement must be in the school catalog.  Note: If a student chooses to repeat a course that was successfully completed, just to improve their GPA, that course cannot be certified to VA.
  3. If a student successfully completed a course so long ago, the school requires it be repeated.  Example: If student took computer programming 10 years ago and got a 'B', it may be too outdated to be accepted for credit now.  Note: If the school does not require the student to retake the outdated course, but the student chooses to repeat it, that course cannot be certified to VA. 

After consideration of those discussions and deliberations with OGC, VA determined that eligible GI Bill students can continue to round out in their last term. To ensure that you understand the rules governing this policy, before registering for your final quarter, check in with our VA School Certifying Officials. 

Rate of Pursuit:

Post 9/11 GI Bill, Fry Scholarship, and STEM Scholarship: VA calculates rate of pursuit. Rate of pursuit is enrolled units divided by 12, rounded to the nearest tenth. Example: 9 units / 12 = .75, then rounded to the nearest tenth, for an 80% rate of pursuit. To receive MHA payments, students must have a rate of pursuit greater than 50%. Please contact Center for Military-Connected Students regarding summer terms.

Training Time:

Chapters 30, 31, 35, and 1606



Full-Time 3/4 Time 1/2 Time Less than 1/2 time
10-13 Weeks 12+ units 9-11 units 6-8 units 4-5 units
8-Weeks 8+ units 6-7 units 4-5 units 3
5-Weeks 5+ units 4 units 3 units 2

The Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship program for students training in high demand STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields will provide up to nine months of additional Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits (to a maximum of $30,000) to qualifying Veterans and Fry Scholars seeking an undergraduate STEM degree or who have earned a STEM degree and are seeking a teaching certification.

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