About the CMCS



At Cal Poly, we understand and appreciate the dedication of our veterans, service members, and military dependents. We've built a welcoming and supportive environment just for you. The Center for Military-Connected Students (CMCS) is your go-to resource, providing comprehensive support to help you thrive. We're here to guide you with academic advising, connect you with valuable resources, and foster a strong community of fellow military-connected students. Our team is committed to ensuring you maximize your military education benefits and access all the support you need on campus and beyond.


QUESTIONS - Click here to reach us 

VIRTUAL CENTER - Click here  

We're making it even easier to get the support you need! Our Virtual Center allows you to connect with us from anywhere during our open hours. Whether you're a current student, a supporter, or thinking about applying to Cal Poly, you can drop in and chat with our team. Starting April 1st, our Lead Program Coordinator will be available for drop-in office hours every Monday and Thursday from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Just click the link during those times for instant access to personalized help and information.


    Virtual Center
Drop-In Questions & Appointments
Physical Center
Drop-In Questions & Tours
Winter Quarter Starts 1/6/2024 9am-5pm 9am - 7pm Monday - Thursday
9am - 5pm Friday
Spring Quarter Starts 4/1/2025 9am-5pm 9am - 7pm Monday - Thursday
9am - 5pm Friday

The CMCS will close at 3pm on 3/21/2025 and will remain closed during Spring Break (3/21/2025 - 3/31/2025). We will reopen at 9am 4/1/2025. 

We are located in Bldg 58, Room 109A (the Welding Building, in front of the Police Department. CLICK HERE for a map to locate us.  

Information for prospective military-connected students

Admissions CLICK HERE
Transfer Admissions CLICK HERE
Major Specific Transfer Criteria CLICK HERE

Information for newly admitted military-connected students  CLICK HERE

Request a refund of your application fee with an approved Cal Vet College Fee Waiver code


    Let us know you have have been approved for new benefits. CLICK HERE
    Watch "Intro to Cal Poly's Center for Military-Connected Students Services"  COMING SOON!
    Contact us if you have any questions about your benefits CLICK HERE
    Connect with us on Instagram to stay updated on important announcements and events.  CLICK HERE



    Students using VA educational benefits (GI Bill, VR&E, Fry Scholarship, Ch 35 DEA): Visit the VA Benefits Page  CLICK HERE
    Students using VA educational benefits (GI Bill, VR&E, Fry Scholarship, Ch 35 DEA): Watch "Using VA benefits at Cal Poly" CLICK HERE
    Students using VA educational benefits (GI Bill, VR&E, Fry Scholarship, Ch 35 DEA): - Watch  "Using the Veterans Benefit Module".  CLICK HERE
    Students who have been deemed to be out-of-state students who are using VA educational benefits are eligible for in-state tuition under VACAA.  Submit your request here CLICK HERE 



    Students using the Cal Vet College Fee Waiver: Visit the Cal Vet College Fee Waiver Page  CLICK HERE
    Students using a Cal Vet College Fee Waiver: Watch "Using the Cal Vet College Fee Waiver"  CLICK HERE



    Current military members using Tuition Assistance or the CMD GI Bill: Review information on these benefits CLICK HERE
    Student veterans and student service members: Request Priority Registration status  by uploading a copy of your DD214 or CAC CLICK HERE


    "New Military Mustang Workshop for Students"  COMING SOON
    "New Military Mustang Workshop for Supporters" COMING SOON



    "Applying for VA Benefits" COMING SOON
    "Using VA Benefits at Cal Poly" CLICK HERE
    "Using the Veterans Benefit Module" CLICK HERE



    "Using the Cal Vet College Fee Waiver" CLICK HERE
    "Applying for the Cal Vet College Fee Waiver"  COMING SOON!


    Request a verification of enrollment (Military ID Card's, Insurance...) CLICK HERE
    Review the cost of attending Cal Poly CLICK HERE
    Schedule a virtual appointment with our team CLICK HERE
    Military leave of absence CLICK HERE
    Out-of-state student fee waivers CLICK HERE
    Veteran: Credit for prior learning


    Veteran: Request priority registration CLICK HERE
    Study abroad CLICK HERE
    Outside Scholarships for military-connected students CLICK HERE
    RSVP to our CMCS events CLICK HERE



    HELPING THE CMCS: More information CLICK HERE
    HELPING THE CMCS: Send snacks via our Amazon Wish List CLICK HERE
    HELPING THE CMCS: Check out our Crowd Funding Campaign CLICK HERE
    HELPING THE CMCS: Donate through Cal Poly Cares CLICK HERE

    ‘‘GI Bill®’’ is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 

    Virtual Workshops/Events are held in our Virtual Center - https://calpoly.zoom.us/j/223015036 (Meeting ID: 223 015 036)

    ‘‘GI Bill®’’ is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs